Environmental responsibility
Protecting nature for more than 60 years.

An endless source of inspiration, nature is fragile and must be treated with respect.”
Dr Olivier Courtin-Clarins, Chairman of the Board
Clarins owes its success to the plants that produce the company’s precious effective ingredients and products.
From our rare plant formulas, to the raw materials chosen for our packaging—our values are based on an abiding respect for nature and the environment.
We honour this principle by extracting the benefits of each plant, without harming ecosystems,
and by replacing the ingredients we harvest.
Clarins, the beauty botanist.

Christian Courtin-Clarins in the centella asiatica collection area in Madagascar. Purchases of this ingredient contribute to a development aid program.
Christian Courtin-Clarins in the centella asiatica collection area in Madagascar. Purchases of this ingredient contribute to a development aid program.The Clarins Herbarium contains 230 natural ingredients essential to creating our formulas.
As pioneers of plant science, for more than 60 years Clarins Research has travelled the globe in search of the most powerful effective plant ingredients—then harnessed their natural energy into formulas that deliver unprecedented anti-aging results. Root, stem, petal and leaf—every part of the plant is analysed for efficacy and safety.
Clarins favours organic ingredients, locally grown plants and, if they come from afar, plants sourced in accordance with fair trade practices.
In harvesting our ingredients, we employ practices that protect ecosystems, advance local communities and, above all, respect biodiversity.
Biodiversity is life.
Clarins never harvests endangered plants and follows international guidelines for environmental protection—including the Rio Convention and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
In the early 1990s, we committed to preserving the rich biodiversity in the Alpine region. Together with Alp Action—the association created by Prince Aga Khan—we initiated a long-term partnership with Asters, the Haute-Savoie Nature Reserve.
Clarins' commitment to protecting
Alpine biodiversity began in 1992.
Alpine biodiversity began in 1992.
Clarins also implements grassroots, local and practical initiatives to protect biodiversity in Europe, Asia and South America.
Whether by planting nurse trees or medicinal plants, we always work with local communities intended to benefit from these projects, and rely on partners who share our values and biodiversity expertise.

Reducing our ecological footprint.
Clarins is committed to using fewer resources, and creating less waste.
Every team involved in Clarins’ product creation, development and manufacturing has incorporated this responsible commitment, and practices what we call an eco-design approach: assessing and anticipating environmental consequences with the goal of reducing them through a continuous progress strategy.
We also strive for environmental impact reduction at industrial sites. Our corporate environmental policy monitors water and energy consumption, along with waste management. Products are transported from our logistics site in Amiens mainly by road or sea. Air transport is exceptional and concerns less than 2% of products dispatched.

Dual environmental certification (HQE and BREEAM) for the new Clarins Headquarters in Paris.
Dual environmental certification (HQE and BREEAM) for the new Clarins Headquarters in Paris.The construction of the new Clarins building (17th arrondissement of Paris) reflects this environmentally responsible approach, and is further enhanced by considerations for employee comfort and well-being.
The building has dual HQE and BREEAM certification. Three hives inhabited by some 160,000 bees are installed on the roof, representing a living symbol of Clarins’ commitment to the environment, and to the biodiversity which it guards so dearly.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The recyclability of packaging is a selection criterion taken into account in the product eco-design approach.
The recyclability of packaging is a selection criterion taken into account in the product eco-design approach.Optimising the use of natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions go hand-in-hand. Clarins performed its first carbon assessment in 2008 in France, and gradually extended the practice to all of its businesses in Asia (2012), the United States (2014) and Europe (2015).
Packaging materials are the main source of the company's greenhouse gas emissions, 24% according to the most recent France 2013 activities report, which is why we prioritise eco-design, a strategy shared by all teams involved in product development.
The Clarins Group is equipped with a product eco-calculator. A series of indicators are measured to help assess, make choices and perform energy gains: CO2 emissions, water consumption and percentage of recycled material, recyclability of packaging, choice of abundant materials and new, less-polluting materials. The portion of recyclable packaging materials, such as glass and cardboard, already accounts for 63% of Clarins products.
Respecting customers.

Asters, Sentinelle du Lac project
Asters, Sentinelle du Lac project
I just want our children to breathe clean air and drink pure water in the future, before that becomes a luxury”
Christian Courtin-Clarins